The number 1 way to decrease bloating
Many people are not aware of the levels of sodium that is in food and even health foods. Processed food is packed with severely high sodium levels that are blowing through the roof, because of this most Americans are suffering from major bloating,weight and health issues. Many women and men seemly bloating issues are actually salt issues. The next time you go to the grocery store try checking the nutrition label, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much salt you are actually in-taking.
“The American Heart Association recommends
no more than 2,300 milligrams (mgs) a day and an ideal limit and the best
though is no more than 1,500 mg per day for most adults.
Because the average American’s sodium intake is so
excessive, even cutting back to no more than 2,400 milligrams a day will
significantly improve blood pressure and heart health.
More than 75 percent of the sodium Americans eat comes
from some processed, prepackaged and restaurant foods – not
from the salt shaker.”
Birch Benders Micro-Pancakery
Pancake & Waffle Mix
Classic Recipe
Birch Benders Micro-Pancakery
Pancake & Waffle Mix
Classic Recipe
It's simple if you want to decrease bloating and improve
your health lower your salt intake to 1,000 mg or
less a day. This will be a challenge if you buy a lot of processed foods, so
that’s why I encourage you to buy more fresh fruits and veggies. Season your foods with lemon juice and herbs instead of salt,make dishes from scratch if you can that way you have control over how
much salt is going into your food. To see major improvement with your health, bloating
and even your weight I would go as far to cut your salt level to 500 mg or less. Also doing exercise and drinking lots of water will help flush the salt out of your body.
Salt has very little nutritional value so why have it so dominant in your lives?
If you want to get results get healthier, fitter, thinner and less bloated you must
take drastic measures and lower your salt content trust me you'll be glad you did.
Sweet Potato Ravoli
Sweet Potato Ravoli
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