"Let Food Be Thy Medicine!"

I went hiking about 2 weeks ago and I was able to test my energy on a raw food diet. I had bananas all morning whenever I got hungry. I have found throughout this raw food journey that my energy comes in levels it charges up and then the battery so to speak gets low. I can tell that my body is healing and after the 7.2 mile hike I found myself full of energy afterwards, throughout the hike I found my energy came in levels until I finished out strong. There is something about being out in nature that reminds us that our diet needs to align closer with the raw vegan diet. We no longer live in a time where you pick fruit off trees and where you shuck corn out of the corn fields and maybe this distance between us and food has made us buy into the conventional modern American diet, that is killing us, it's then we have to remember we eat to live not live to eat,the only way to heal our bodies is to go back to nature and eat the food as we were meant to eat it right out of the fields right off the tree or in our case the organic produce section in the store and rediscover what real food is!

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